Redimete Diem!

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of the time, because the days are evil. (Eph. 5:15-16, ESV)

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Studies in the Life and Times

and the Prophecy

of Daniel

Notes Pages

 I.  The Reign of Nebuchadnezzar

 Daniel 1:1-2                            Beware of the Real Battle

 Daniel 1:1; 2 Kings 22:1-14     How to Destroy the Church

 Daniel 1:1-8                           How to Build a Covenant Community

 Daniel 1:1-8                            Compromise and Betrayal

 Daniel 1:1-7                            When the World Invades

 Daniel 1:1-8                            What's in a Name?

 Daniel 1:1-16                          Where do Strong Christians Come From?

 Daniel 1:17-21                        Babylon in Time and Space

 Daniel 2:1-12                          When Science & Technology Fail Us

 Daniel 2:12-19                        The God Who is There

 Daniel 2:19-23                        "There is a God in Heaven!"

 Daniel 2:24-30                        Know Your Own Mind

 Daniel 2:31-38                        "You Are the Head of Gold"

 Daniel 2:39-45                        What is Ahead

 Daniel 2:44-49                        The Undeniable Stone

                                                    (written text only)

 Daniel 3:1-18                          "But if not ... "

 Daniel 3:19-30                        But if so ...

 Daniel 4:1-3, 34-35                 He is Everything We are Not

 Daniel 4:4-18                          The Hope in a Tree Stump

                                                     (written text only)

Daniel 4:19-27                        When Evangelism is Mercy

 Daniel 4:28-35                        When Judgment is for Redemption

 Daniel 4:34-37                        Epilogue: A New King over Babylon

 II.  The Reign of Belshazzar

 Daniel 5:1-4; 7:1-14               Tools of Interpretation

 Daniel 7:13-28                       The Fourth Beast

 Daniel 7:9-14                         The Coronation of Christ

 Daniel 8:1-14                         A Call to Patience

 Daniel 8:15-27                       A Governmental Foundation

 Daniel 5:1-9                          Holy Vessels

 Daniel 5:10-23                      A King Who Knew Not Daniel

 Daniel 5:24-31                      The Fall of Babylon

 III.  The Reign of Darius

 Daniel 9:1-2                          The Living Scriptures

 Daniel 9:1-2;                         Hope in Judgment

  Jeremiah 24:1-7; 25:8-14

 Daniel 9:3-15                        "We Repent!"

 Daniel 9:16-19                      A Desolate Sanctuary

 Daniel 9:20-23                      The Man Gabriel

 Daniel 9:24-27                      Seventy Weeks

 Daniel 6:1-10                        Making Righteousness a Crime

 Daniel 6:10-18                      No Room for Conscience

 Daniel 6:19-28                     "May God Deliver You"

 IV.  The Reign of Cyrus

 Daniel 10:1-4                      The Return Begins

 Daniel 10:5-11:1                  The Man

 Daniel 11:2-4                      Understanding Spiritual Warfare

 Daniel 11:5-35                    A Desolate House

 Daniel 11:36-12:4                Michael, the Warrior

 Daniel 12:4-13                    "Go Your Way"


David G. Barker